SCERT Odisha CT Entrance Result 2015: State Council of Educational Research and Training of Odisha has officially announced the CT results on 17th july 2015 at 06.00pm on scert odisha official website All the aspirents who appeared for Odisha D.El.Ed entrance test are advised to check CT entrance results.This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for SCERT Odisha CT Entrance Result.
SCERT Odisha D.El.Ed(CT) Entrance Result 2015 declared today:
State Council of Educational Research and Training of Odisha is all set to release CT entrance result today. D.El.Ed counselling schedule dates will be announced very soon.As per the latest update news from State Council of Educational Research and Training of Odisha CT entrance counselling will be held in the 2nd or 3rd week of August tentatively. Here you may follow some simple guidelines to download CT entrance result 2015.
How to download SCERT Odisha CT Entrance Result 2015:
- Candidates visit official website -
- Look for SCERT Odisha CT Entrance Result 2015 link.
- Enter hallticket no. and click on submit button.
- Take a printout of D.El.Ed result page for counselling purpose.