CCS HAU Recruitment 2015: Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University(CCS HAU) recently released a recruitment to filling up 273 Non Teaching Posts. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for Teaching jobs in Haryana. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply online for CCS HAU recruitment 2015 at on or before application closing date 10-11-2015. For more information regarding CCS HAU Recruitment 2015 details like age limit, selection procedure, how to apply details refer below information.
CCS HAU Recruitment 2015 jobs details:
No of vacancies - 273 posts
Name of the post - Non Teaching Vacancies
1. School Teacher (Hindi/Sanskrit) - 01
2. School Teacher (English) - 01
3. Instructor (Dress Designing) - 01
4. Training Assistant (KVK Farm) - 07
5. Training Assistant - 07
6. Senior Technical Assistant - 19
7. Computer Programmer - 02
8. Sectional Officer / Junior Engineer (Civil) - 05
9. Sectional Officer (Horticulture) - 01
10. Technical Assistant - 06
11. Senior Technician (Video Production) - 01
12. Assistant Hostel Warden - 01
13. Chief Mechanic - 01
14. Pharmacist - 01
15. Mess Supervisor - 01
16. Veterinary & Livestock Development Assistant - 01
17. Game Organizer - 01
18. Editorial Assistant - 01
19. Calligrapher - 01
20. Jeep Car Driver - 03
21. Bus Driver - 02
22. Auto Electrician - 01
23. Modeller - 01
24. Surveyor - 01
25. Tubewell Electrician - 01
26. Road Roller Driver - 01
27. Electrician-cum-PIumber - 01
28. Electric Chargeman - 01
29. Mechanic (Ref. SAC) - 01
30. Mechanic (Instruments) - 01
31. Turner - 01
32. Tracer - 04
33. Clerk - 142
34. Computer - 05
35. Steno-Typist - 22
36. Mahila Savika - 01
37. Lab Assistant - 23
38. Meteorological Observer - 01
39. Saw Operator - 01
Eligibility Criteria: CCS HAU Non Teaching Notification contains various jobs. For all these jobs age limit and education qualifications details are different. Please refer below attached notification.
Application Fee: Rs.500/- for general category candidates. Rs.250/- for Haryana Residents (Female) candidtes. Rs.125/- for SC/ BC/ EBPGC Candidates of Haryana State Male candidates & Rs.63/- for female candidates. No fee for pwd/ex-service persons.
Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in written examination and interview conducted by CCS HAU.
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply for CCS HAU recruitment 2015 need to visit official website Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification ,deposit the application fee. After successful submission take a print out of system generated application for further process of this recruitment.
Important dates:
Last date for submission of application form: 10-11-2015.
References for this recruitment: