AP Intermediate Time Table 2016 Download - AP Inter 1st year & 2nd year Exam Time Table.
AP Intermediate Exam Time Table 2016 – Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh well known as BIEAP released Intermediate First Year and Second Year Examination Time Tables for the academic year 2016. The Inter Exam Time Table is available to download from the official website of AP Intermediate Board, bieap.gov.in.
AP Inter 1st year Time Table 2016:
AP Intermediate Board released the Junior Inter Time Table. As per the Time Table Intermediate first year exams will be held from 11th March 2016 to 29th March 2016. You can get subject wise exam dates from below mentioned information.
AP Inter 2nd year Time Table 2016:
AP Intermediate Board released the Senior Inter Time Table. As per the Time Table Intermediate Second year exams will be held from 12th March 2016 to 30th March 2016. You can get subject wise exam dates from below mentioned information.