APRJC CET 2016 - APRJC 2016 Notification, Exam Date,Online Application Form at aprs.cgg.gov.in: Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions Society(APREIS) has officially released the APRJC Common Entrance Exam 2016 admission notification on its official website aprs.cgg.gov.in. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply APRJC 2016 online application form on or before last date 17-04-2016. For more information regarding APRJC 2016 exam details like eligibility criteria,exam date and other information refer below details.
APRJC CET 2016: The examination is conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions Society(APREIS). It is an entrance examination for admission to Intermediate first year courses for the commencing session 2016. APRJC 2016 Exams will be held on 15th May 2016. The online registration starts from 17th March 2016 onwards.
APRJC 2016 Eligibility Criteria:
Students who wish to apply for APRJC Entrance Exam should have following mentioned eligibility criteria.
Education Quakification: Students Must have passed 10th Class Exam Conducted by the Board of secondary Education Andhra Pradesh.
Application fee: Rs.150/- towards application fee. The fee should be remit through payment Gateway using Debit/Credit/Net Banking.
Exam Pattern:
- APRJC CET question paper contains 150 questions for marks of 150.
- Candidates are required to answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- There will be no negative marks for wrong answers.
- The duration of the APRJC entrance exam will be 150 minutes.
How to Apply:
Students who wish to apply for APRJC 2016 need to visit official website aprs.cgg.gov.in. Fill the application form as per the instructions given in the official notification and remit the application fee. After successful completion take a print out of system generated acknowledgement for further admission process.
Steps to fill up APRJC 2016 Online Application form:
- Students visit official website - aprs.cgg.gov.in
- New user register using their details.
- Login with registered details.
- Fill the applcation form and remit the application fee.
- After successful submission take a print out of it.
Important dates of APRJC 2016:
- Starting Date of application forms: 17-03-2016.
- Last date for submission of application forms without late fees: 17-04-2016.
- Date of APRJC Exam: 15-05-2016 (From 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM).
References for APRJC 2016: