GCRI Recruitment 2016: The Gujarat cancer & Research Institute (GCRI) recently released a recruitment notification to filling up 21 Associate Professor, Senior Resident and Assistant Professor and Non-Teaching vacancies. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for Govt jobs in Gujarat. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply online application form at www.gcriindia.org on or before application closing date 04-04-2016. For more information regarding GCRI Recruitment 2016 details like age limit, selection procedure, how to apply details refer below information.
GCRI Recruitment 2016 jobs details:
No. of Posts - 21
Name of the posts -
A. Teaching Post
1. Professor of Radiotherapy: 01
2. Associate Professor of Surgical Oncology: 03
3. Associate Professor of Medical Oncology: 01
4. Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology: 01
5. Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology: 05
6. Senior Resident Radiotherapy: 01
B. Non - Teaching Post
1. Fellow in B.M.T: 01
2. Visiting Assistant Paediatric Surgeon: 02
3. Visiting Endocrinologist: 01
4. Nuclear Medicine Technologist: 02
5. Head – Information Technology: 01
C. For Siddhpur Cancer Care Centre
Medical Officer: 01
D. For Siddhpur Cancer Care Centre: Palliative Care Jivdaya Foundation Project
Data Manager: 01
Name of the Organization: The Gujarat cancer & Research Institute (GCRI)
For Age Limit,Educational Qualification,Selection Process Kindly Official Notification.
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply for GCRI Recruitment 2016 need to visit official website www.gcriindia.org. Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification. After successful submission take a printout of system generated acknowledgement.
1. Applicants must logon to official website – http://www.gcriindia.org.
2. Click on link named GCRI Recruitment 2016.
3. Fill the application form and remit application fee.
4. After successful submission take a printout of application.
Postal Address:
The In charge Director,
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute,
Civil Hospital Campus,
Asarwa, Ahmadabad – 380016.
Important dates:
Last date for submission of application form: 04-04-2016.
References for this recruitment: