Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016: Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board(GSSSB) released Revenue Talati Results 2016 along with cut off marks, merit list, scorecard, marks sheet is now available to check at Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB) had successfully conducted the Revenue Talati written exam on 28th February 2016 at various examination centers across Gujarat. A huge number of students attended for Revenue Talati exam. All the aspirants who had written the Revenue Talati exam are eagerly waiting for the Results.
Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016 available at
Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB) had successfully conducted the Revenue Talati written exam on 28th February 2016 at various examination centers and it were successfully hosted according to schedule and time mentioned by authorities. The candidates can check for the results of Revenue Talati. Applicants who are looking for Results 2016 can check results with Marks list online on the main website. A large number of candidates appeared for Revenue Talati exam. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016.
Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016:
The candidates can get the latest results of Revenue Talati Exam. A Huge number of candidates had appeared for Revenue Talati Exam. The list contains list of candidates who qualified in written exam. Here you may follow some simple guidelines to download Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016.
How to download Revenue Talati Exam Result 2016 :
- Candidates visit official website -
- Look for Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016 link.
- It is in pdf format and save to your computer.
- Check for your register number.
To get Gujarat Revenue Talati Result 2016 visit this link:
Click Here