AAI Recruitment 2016: Airports Authority of India(AAI) recently released a recruitment to filling up 220 Junior Executive(JE) vacancies. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for Central Govt jobs in India. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply for AAI recruitment 2016 down load prescribed format application form which is available at www.aai.aero and submit to the authorities on or before application closing date 17-05-2016. For more information regarding AAI Recruitment 2016 details like age limit, selection procedure, how to apply details refer below information.
AAI Recruitment 2016 jobs details:
No of vacancies - 220 posts
Name of the post - Junior Executive(JE)
1. Junior Executive (Engineering Civil): 50 Posts
2. Junior Executive (Engineering Electrical): 50 Posts
3. Junior Executive (Information Technology): 20 Posts
4. Junior Executive (Airport Operations): 100 Posts
Pay Scale: Rs.16,400/- to Rs.40,500/-
Name of the Organization: Airports Authority of India
Age Limit: Candidates maximum age should be 27 years for General, 32 years for SC/ ST, 30 years for OBC as on 31-05-2016. Age relaxation benfits to the reserved category candidates will be applicable as per govt rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have completed Bachelor Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Civil/ Electrical/ Computer Science/ IT/ MBA.
Application fee: Rs. 1000/- though DD in favour "Airports Authority of India" which payable at Chennai. No Fee for ST/SC/PWD/Women candidates.
Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in written examination and Typing Test conducted by Airports authority of India.
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply for AAI recruitment 2016 need to visit official website www.aai.aero and application form. Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification and send to to official address mentioned below.
Important dates:
Starting date for submission of application form: 18-04-2016.
Last date for submission of application form: 17-05-2016.
References for this recruitment: