KMIO Banglore Recruitment 2016: Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology (KMIO) Bangalore recently released a Recruitment notification to filling up 34 Group A - 10, Group B - 04, Group C - 20 Vacancies. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for Govt jobs in Banglore. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply online at on or before application closing date 30-04-2016. For more information regarding KMIO Banglore Recruitment 2016 details like age limit, selection procedure, how to apply details refer below information.
KMIO Banglore Recruitment 2016 jobs details:
No of vacancies - 34 posts
Name of the posts -
Group-A Post:
1. Assistant Professor of Radiation/ Safety Officer: 01
2. Assistant Professor of Anaesthesiology: 01
Group-A Post: Classification – As per 371 (J) Local Cadres:
3. Group A Post: 02
Group-B Post:
4. Nuclear Medicine Technology: 01
5. Assistant Social Welfare Officer: 01
Group-B Post: Classification – As per 371 (J) Local Cadres:
6. Assistant Social Welfare officer: 01
Group-B Post: Classification – As per Residuary Cadre:
7. Nuclear Medicine Technology: 01
Group C posts:
8. Staff Nurse: 08
9. Pharmacist: 01
10. Radiotherapy Technology: 01
Group C post: Classification – As per 371 (J) Local Cadre
11. Radiotherapy Technology: 01
12. Staff Nurse: 06
Group C post: Classification – As per Residuary Cadre:
13. Staff Nurse: 02
14. Pharmacist: 01
Group-A Post:
15. Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology: 01
16. Assistant Professor of Radiation Physics: 01
17. Assistant Professor of Surgery: 01
Group A post: Classification – As per 371 (J) Local Cadre:
18. Group A Post: 03
Pay Scale: Pay Scale Rs.15600 - 39100 + AGP Rs.8000 for S.N 1, 2, Pay Scale Rs 22800 - 43200 for S.N 4, Pay Scale Rs 21600 - 40050 for S.N 5.
Name of the Organization: Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology
Age Limit: Applicants should have Maximum 40 years for ST/SC for Category -I and Maximum 34 years for GM and 38 years for IIA, IIIA, IIIB. Age relaxation benefits to the reserved category candidates will be applicable as per govt rules.
Application fee:
Group A - Rs.500 for ST/SC and Rs.2000 for General and other
Group B - Rs.200 for ST/SC and Rs.500 for General and Other
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply for KMIO Banglore Recruitment 2016 need to visit official website Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification ,deposit the application fee. After successful completion submit to the authorities.
1. Applicants must logon to official website – http://
2. Click on link named KMIO Banglore Recruitment.
3. Fill the application form and remit application fee.
4. After successful submission take a printout of application.
Postal Address:
The Director,
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology,
Dr. M.H. Marigowda Road,
Bangalore - 560029.
Important dates:
Last date for submission of application form: 30-04-2016.
References for this recruitment:
Download official notification & Apply Online -
Click Here