HSSC Recruitment 2016: Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) recently released a recruitment notification to filling up 455 Clerk, Computer operator and other posts. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for HSSC Recruitment 2016. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to apply online application form at hssc.gov.in on or before application closing date 01-08-2016. For more information regarding HSSC Recruitment 2016 details like age limit, selection procedure, how to apply details refer below information.
HSSC Recruitment 2016 jobs details:
No. of Vacancies - 455
Name of the post -
1. Fisheries Officer: 31
2. Fisheries Extension Assistant: 01
3. Fisheries Supervisor: 01
4. Fisheries Extension Assistant: 01
5. Assistant Fisheries Officer: 02
6. Assistant Project Officer: 02
7. Draftsman: 01
8. Assistant Project Officer: 02
9. Farm Assistant: 01
10. Draftsman: 01
11. Farm Assistant: 01
12. Statistical Assistant: 01
13. Head Statistical Assistant: 01
14. Legal Assistant: 02
15. Head Statistical Assistant: 01
16. Labour Inspector: 07
17. Statistical Assistant / Inspector (NSS) / Investigator: 15
18. Labour Inspector: 07
19. Field Assistant: 05
20. Junior Field Investigator: 35
21. Estate Manager: 09
22. Junior Field Investigator: 35
23. Accounts Assistant: 07
24. Accountant: 11
25. Junior Engineer: 01
26. Accountant: 11
27. Draftsman: 04
28. Draftsman (Electric): 03
29. Draftsman: 04
30. Draftsman (Architect Wing): 02
31. Assistant Draftsman (Civil): 20
32. Tracer (Civil): 07
33. Stenographer cum Librarian: 01
34. Computer: 70
35. Assistant (HQ): 21
36. Labour Inspector (Welfare): 05
37. Instructor (Female): 02
38. Labour Inspector (Welfare): 05
39. Election Naib Tehsildar: 03
40. Horticulture Supervisor: 01
41. Election Kanungo: 12
42. Assistant Manager (Electrical): 03
43. Assistant Manager (Estate): 05
44. Assistant Manager (Utility): 02
45. Assistant Manager (Industry Area): 31
46. Assistant Accountant: 04
47. Senior Accounts Clerk: 10
48. Assistant: 06
49. Clerk: 27
50. Receptionist / PBX Operator: 02
51. Stenographer Grade-I: 18
52. Legal Assistant: 04
53. Tubewell Operator: 03
54. Draftsman (Panning): 03
55. Tracer: 02
56. Chargeman: 45
Grade Pay Rs.9300 – 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.3600 per month
Name of the Organization: Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Age Limit : Candidates age limit should be in between 17 years to 42 years as on 01.01.2016. Age relaxation benefits is applicable as per govt norms.
Educational Qualification : Aspirants must have an completed 10th, 12th class , UG / PG Degree qualification from the recognized board / university.
Application Fee : Rs.150 for OBC / General, Rs.75 for SC / ST as application processing fee.
Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in written examination and interview conducted by HSSC.
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply for HSSC Recruitment 2016 need to visit official website hssc.gov.in. Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification. After successful submission take a printout of system generated acknowledgement.
1. Applicants must logon to official website – http://www.hssc.gov.in.
2. Click on link named HSSC Recruitment.
3. Fill the application form and remit application fee.
4. After successful submission take a printout of application.
Important dates:
Starting date for submission of application form: 01-07-2016.
Last date for submission of application form: 01-08-2016.
References for this recruitment: